Diesel four stroke cycle
Diesel four stroke cycle
- The diesel engines work on the principle of Diesel cycle, also called constant pressiure SUction, compression, power, and exhaust strokes. Fig. shows the working and construction of a four stroke diesel engine. heat addition cycle shown in Fig.
- The four stroke diesel engine cycle also consists of petrol engine, except instead of spark plug, a fuel injector is mounted in its place as shown in Fig. 7.7. A fuel pump supplies the fuel oil to the injector at higher pressure The basic construction of a four stroke diesel engine is same as that of four stroke
(i) Suction Stroke :
- During this stroke, inlet valve opens and exhaust valve is closed, the pressure in the cylinder will be atmospheric. As the piston moves from TDC to BDC, the volume in the cylinder increases, while simultaneously the pressure decreases. This creates a pressure difference between the atmosplhere and inside of the cylinder. Due to this pressure difference only the atmospheric air will enter into the cylinder through air filter and inlet. This stroke is represented by horizontal line 1-2 on p-V diagram shown in Fig. 7.6. erature
- At the end of this stroke, the cylinder will be filled completely with air and inlet valve will be closed.
(ii) Compression stroke:
- During this stroke, both inlet valve and exhaust valve remain closed. The piston moves from BDC to TDC. As this stroke is being performed, the airin the cylinder will be compressed, so pressure and temperature of air increases. The process ol compression is shown in Fig. 7.6 by the curve 2-3.
- The compression ratio of this engine is higher than petrol engine. Due to higher compression ratio, air will have attained a higher temperature than self ignition temperature of diesel fuel.
- Near the end this stroke, a metered quantity of the diesel fuel is injected into the cylinder. As the diesel fuel particles come in contact with high temperature air, it will ignite automatically. This is called auto-ignition or self-ignition. In this engine compressed airignites the diesel fuel, this type of engine is also called as compression Ignition engine or C.I. eugine
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